Monday Medley

What we read while Tim Tebow cried…

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  1. Larry David playing George Costanza whose character was based on Larry David is just plain hysterical. I love the reactions of Jerry and Elaine. If you watch closely Jerry goes out of character trying to refrain from laughing. At the end Elaine and Jerry non-verbally convey their dismay of Larry’s impersonation of George. This is priceless comedy that will make people laugh for decades, while Tim Tebow at some point will lose his virginity and stop crying. He will never make it as a QB in the NFL, maybe as tight end if he stops wearing “John 3:16” eye black. I understand he believes in the Lord, Jesus Christ, but if Jay Fieldler had worn eye black that said “Lox: with a schmear of cream cheese” under his eyes, I think there would be a large outcry from the far right.


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