Posts Tagged ‘John Mulaney’

Monday Medley

What we read while somehow rushing for 87 yards in the Pro Bowl…

  • Speaking of Obama, former NY Times war correspondent is suing him. Here’s why.

Monday Medley

What we read while pondering the benefits of open marriage…

Monday Medley

What we read while Boston mourned…

Monday Medley

What we read while wondering what the original Holy Saturday was like…

Monday Medley

What we read while dunking over a 1992 Buick LeSabre…

Monday Medley

What we read while going undrafted once again…

  • Josh doesn’t really like cupcakes, but maybe if he ate them here he’d be more amenable to persuasion that he does.
  • Sometimes, it’s funny to look back at poor predictions, like Tim’s that the Celtics would be crushed by the Heat, or The Awl‘s that differentiated Ke$ha from Lady Gaga by writing, “Ke$ha, on the other hand, is a version of Gaga-lite, but in a good way. She is sort of edgy in that she puts on weird eye makeup, but she also just wears vintage-looking t-shirts and jeans when performing on national television. As opposed to donning some weird Gareth Pugh leotard while standing on top of a blood-draped ladder that’s in a coffin set on fire, or something.” Yeah, I don’t think David Cho can stand by that paragraph after last Saturday night. Sorry, Dave. (P.S. NPR did something on Ke$ha a while back that referred to her “near-perfect SAT scores,” which really makes us wonder what NPR’s standard for “near perfect” is these days.)

Monday Medley

What we read while wondering why they even bother with the Grammys…

The Top Five Comedians of the Summer


After we (John S and Josh) settled our squabbles on anchoring, we went to the highly recommended Upright Citizens Brigade Theater in New York nearly every week this summer (sometimes twice) to see some of the best (and worst) up-and-coming and established comedians. The vast majority of these comics were seen at Leo Allen’s Whiplash, but some were also seen at Kristen Schaal and Kurt Braunohler’s variety show, Hot Tub. All in all, we saw over forty comedians perform. In traditional NPI fashion, we decided to rank them. Below are the five best comedians we saw this summer, all of whom we strongly recommend: Continue reading